The compiler for the upcoming 2.8 build of X# has received an "overhaul". We have updated the Roslyn code to the latest C# level (the same C# that comes with VS 2019 Preview 4). This means that we now benefit from many changes in the C# compiler. You should see that the compiler is a bit faster. The new compiler requires .Net framework 4.7.2 or .Net core 3.0. The apps created with the new compiler can still target the framework versions from 2.0 until 4.8, .Net Core 2.0, 3.0 and .Net 5 and .Net 6.

We have also taken the opportunity to add a few new things to the language:

Local Functions and Local Procedures

You can declare local function  and local procedures inside methods, properties, functions and procedures.

The syntax is

LOCAL FUNCTION <Name> (<Parameters>) AS <Type>
. statements

Some remarks:

As of today X# is a dealer of Advantage Database Server (ADS). You can buy ADS Client Access Licenses (CAL) from us in several sized batches (1,2,5,10,25,50, 100, 250, unlimited) and you can also buy "expansion packs" to increase the number of licenses of your server.

The ADS pricelist is quite complicated, so we will not add all possible options to our online store, but just a few to give you an idea.

In all cases: contact us to get a quote.


There will be another online presentation this week.
It will be take place on Thursday February 25th at 16:00 CET (Amsterdam time).
The presentation will be done by our Devteam member Chris Pyrgas.
The subject will be:

migrating applications from Visual Objects to X# and the changes that you have to make to your source code because of the differences between the two.

Afterwards the recording of the sessions will be uploaded to our Youtube channel "X# Academy"